Canadian Women’s Club Annual Bazaar

On Saturday, Nov. 17, the Canadian Women’s Club hosted its annual Bazaar, with proceeds going towards charities. There were about 20 vendors, who were selling everything from baked goods to jewelry to arts and crafts to used clothing. Some beautiful orchids were also on sale and seemed to go quite quickly. I had a chance to tour around before I took on my duty of selling Youth Opportunities Unlimited’s Christmas cards and there were some really beautiful things for sale. The handmade jewelry was stunning, as was the wood sculptures carved from cedar wood.

Turnout could have been better, possibly partly due to the location (in the back of the Police Officer’s Club on Hope Road). In addition, there were at least two other major events going on at the same time, including the Trench Town Entrepreneurial Trade Show at Emancipation Park, which a lot of Cuso volunteers attended. But it was a great day for the Canadian Women’s Club and we shall know soon how much we made, which will all be disbursed in small amounts to local charities.

1 thought on “Canadian Women’s Club Annual Bazaar

  1. Thank you Kate it was a long day but if that means funds towards charity to help out the needy it was well worth the effort! What is left over we can decide at our next meeting whether to hold a flash yard sale or prepare to share the wealth over the Christmas season with those who would best benefit ! Merry Christmas :). Mrs Joanne Ready, Honoary President of the Canadian Women’s Club

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