Forced to live in Kingston’s sewers

This Buzzfeed article about some youth who have been kicked out of their homes, ostracized by their communities and forced to live in Kingston’s sewers because of the way they dress or act came out yesterday.

It is interesting for several reasons, the first being that Buzzfeed is sending reporters to do international, investigative journalism stories. Buzzfeed is primarily known as a social media-type, curation site which assembles numerical lists of things like the 40 Most Insane Things That Happened in Florida. The fact that it is investing some cash in investigative journalism says a lot about its intentions and direction.

The article is solid. It shows respect to the subjects (who are part of a vulnerable population), it is well-researched, fair, accurate and balanced and provides background and context.

Please take a read, it is worth your time to get a sense of how some of these youth live. The only way to help them lead more safe and productive lives is to raise awareness, put pressure on government and legislators and sensitize people about their plight. Unfortunately, it still needs to be stated that “they” deserve to enjoy the same basic human rights that their fellow human beings take for granted.

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