Free Winnifred Beach

This is a sign at Winnifred Beach on the North coast. In addition to a beautiful stretch of sand, there is a clear, freshwater stream that feeds into the ocean. Perhaps many people try to bathe here, hence the sign. When we were there, the beach was almost deserted, except for a few vendors selling crafts and food. Doreen told us that she is happy because the government recently decided that the beach will remain public, rather than being sold to developers. In addition, Doreen said that the government plans to pave the rocky road leading down to the beach. That would be a welcome addition for residents, tourists and vendors alike. A minor victory in an area that is increasingly vulnerable to developers who want to shut out Jamaicans from enjoying their land.

3 thoughts on “Free Winnifred Beach

  1. When we first used to go to Winifred Beach the spring was much bigger. It got badly degraded because people were using it not only to bathe but to do their washing. So all the detergents and chemicals were going into the sea and damaging the reef too. I was glad to see the sign up and don’t think people do it any more. If you have ever bathed in the spring, it is very cold but rich with minerals (you can smell a kind of sulphur smell). Incredibly reviving and probably good for chik v pains!! 🙂

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