Happy Hellshire

Happy New Year’s Day from Hellshire Beach. This lovely spot outside of the city was packed today with families and groups of friends enjoying a beautiful day off. The vendors were working hard. selling everything from bagged shrimp to drinks to inflatable toys to massage to horseback rides. There was a gorgeous breeze, the water just perfect and an assortment of good music blaring from various speakers. A great way to start the new year.


1 thought on “Happy Hellshire

  1. Lovely photo! But sadly Hellshire is a shadow of its former self. In the mid-80s it was a really wide beach of pure white sand (I have photos to prove it!) Now eroded due to unregulated building (no sanitary conveniences and lots of people living there), climate change etc. and water is polluted. Also horse back rides are making matters worse – and a danger to beach users. Nevertheless people have got to make a living… The fish and festival is still delicious, although exorbitantly expensive! And the fish are small… Sorry. This is turning into a lament for the Hellshire Beach that once was… 😦

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