Car accident

Car seats are not legally required here in Jamaica. So of course it is always alarming to see young children floating free in cars, or mothers holding tiny babies in their arms.

It was non-negotiable for us to have a car seat and we have been using one since her birth. Today it was necessary. We were driving around trying to tie up the paperwork associated with being a new human and a car decided to turn into our lane without looking. They hit us on the right front bumper. My heart was pounding as I looked over at my daughter, but I don’t think she even noticed what happened, despite the loud bang.

The car seat kept her safe and the impact was minimal. The driver, however, in a gray Toyota Corolla, drove away quickly. His (or her) bumper fell off though, complete with the license plate. There also happened to be two policemen there, so they collected the bumper and told us to file a report, complete with the license plate. Hopefully we catch them, but I have a feeling nothing will come of it. All I know is I am grateful we are ok.

3 thoughts on “Car accident

  1. Thank god you are safe and good for using the car seat! Could you write a story about this in the paper to promote safety awareness for babies and young children? Reasons as to why car seats are important! What are the stats in Jamaica, it’s like helmets and motorcycles. As for the bumper with the plates attached – a gift! Police have evidence to follow up! Keep fingers crossed.

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